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Truth Tuesday

I finally read through Alex Hormozi’s book ‘$100 Offers’ (not the new one).

It’s an absolute bestseller.

Tons of people read it.

For good reason.

All screaming to apply what’s written there.

The problem?

They can’t!

They just FUCKING can’t!

They don’t have any fucking value to give.

Alex said give for free 😂

From what should they be able to give massive amounts of value for free?

From sitting in front of Netflix. From taking the weekend off? From hanging for half a year on Twitter? From wanting to copy Dan Koe?

Some even say it’s not doable what Alex Hormozi wrote.

It is.

But YOU, YOU can’t.

Because you are a lazy bastard, want the quick and easy money (who doesn’t, I don’t blame you, but you are a bastard anyway 😂 ).

I’m working since 25 years towards where I am today and I am not even near finished.

I could write for a decade and I would still have content.

I don’t need any ideas. I don’t need any content strategy, any matrix, any of that crap. I’m FULL of ideas. I’m FULL of content.


Because I’m in the trenches. Since 25 fucking years.

That’s where content is coming from.

Not from rewriting (or even straight stealing) other peoples posts.

Not from copy&pasting pseudo wisdom from your ‘365 days of happiness’ table calendar.

So, go, get your experience, build YOUR value.

And stop polluting my feed with your pseudo wisdom.


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