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Top 3 Hacking / Security Books

Top Thursday

Today I want to show you my top 3 books in the hacking/security niche. Depends on which side you’re on, if it’s hacking or security πŸ˜‚

It’s a great field to deepen your knowledge in that will be of a lot of value to you.

  1. SQL Injection Attacks and Defense

A classic everyone serious about hacking/security should read. Especially web developers. It’s a serious problem. All levels.

  1. Bug Bounty Bootcamp

Introduces you to the industry of hunting bugs in web applications for money. Tools, platforms, what to look out for. Great for starters and advanced beginners.

  1. Ethical Hacking

Full overview about (legal) penetration testing. While Bug Bounty Bootcamp covers mostly web apps, this book is going deeper, i.e. networks, cryptography, scanning, fuzzing.

I had another book for pos 3 about Buffer Overflows, but it’s over 20 years old and I can’t really find the english version on Amazon anymore, if there ever was one πŸ˜‚

Buffer Overflows are less often nowadays, because only little programs are written in C today, but they still occur and can be very very dangerous.

Enjoy reading.

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