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Spiritual Saturday: Focus on the Input

“Focus on the input only”

You might hear this a lot on social media.

Gets preached by “gurus”, trying to lure you into their programs, cohorts, courses. Trying to make it look new, like it’s their very own ‘invention’.

It’s actually stoic philosophy.

That you focus what’s in your control (the input), rather than focusing on what’s out of your control (the outcome).

You can control what you put in (doing your work well for example, the hours) but you can’t control the outcome (your work being appreciated for example).

It’s pointless wasting any form of energy on the outcome. Be it being anxious or angry about the outcome, or trying to control the outcome by force.

Focusing on the outcome actually destroys motivation, wellbeing, happiness. And we want to be motivated reaching our goals, don’t we?!

Focus on the input and move to your goal with ease.

Wisdom 2000 years old. At least.

Not something some 20y old ‘invented’. So don’t get fooled.

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