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Me, Myself and Courses

Those who are following me since the beginning a few months ago might remember my posts about courses.

I don’t like them. They are a scam.

I know, there are legit courses, but most are overpriced BS, a blatant scam, especially in online marketing.

And now, I’m about to release my own kind of course. ๐Ÿ˜‚

I changed my mind. Was too narrow-minded about it.

I don’t want to leave this uncommented.

I will not go anywhere like selling some method, but still.

Never thought I would write one.

When I started this Twitter/X journey I had an idea of what I wanted to share, had the idea of a blog.

But not much about anything further.

I wanted to let that evolve along the journey.

Wanted to let myself go with the flow and see where it takes me.

Already took me somewhere.

Never thought connecting with so many people here โค๏ธ

Never thought doing a forum ever again.

But it’s online.

I’m over 20 years into SEO.

While it was fun and exciting, it bored me to death lately.

All those places – already was there.

All those stories – already heard them.

Been there, done that.

Had the best years financially, but felt empty inside.

Maybe you can relate.

I was done with it.

Done with it since a long time already.

What I found on Twitter/X here, this community of creators, creating for the sake of creating, that was like a spark.

Something new and exciting again.

There’s so much more to do online than just SEO and promoting other people’s crap, so much more to create and give.

You guys somehow led me to creating this eBook for you. Got so much positive feedback from you guys already. Thanks again ๐Ÿ™

Motivates me going even harder on sharing, creating, software & SaaS.

Besides SEO, a lot of posts in the future will be about social media, creating something, building your own place online.

Hope you understand.

I’ll bring the final version of the eBook online tomorrow and have something planed already for end of the week ๐Ÿš€

And don’t forget, courses are a scam, don’t buy them ๐Ÿคก

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