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We talked about trackers yesterday and how ‘expensive’ they are.

@tehseowner said he would have to pay $900+/m for ahrefs if he would continue using it.

Lets talk about what’s actually ‘expensive’ 🤑

Lets assume you use the current Agency plan of Voluum with 25m events.

That’s $999.

Sounds ‘expensive’ at first.

But, that’s roughly $30 per day.

Most smaller subs for other services or trackers are less than $10 per day.

If $10 per day is something you worry about in your business, $10 (!), then there’s something (really) wrong with your business.

Back to the $999 sub. 25m events, at a low (!) EPC of $0.003 (shitty💩 mainstream smartlinks do that) that would be $75k per month (25m * 0,003).

You made $75k! 💰

If you aren’t into paid traffic, there will be some pretty nice profit left. So what’s $999 then? Chump change.

To put this into perspective, we are talking here about (revenue) of $2500 per day facing $30 in costs for a tracker. Doesn’t sound expensive to me. Most kill that in Red Bull per day 🤡

And if you are doing paid traffic, and do those 25m events, and only do $0.003 epc… well, back to what I said earlier, there’s something wrong with your business 🤡

Do you want to know what’s really expensive when running such a business?

Complaining all day long about how expensive everything became. Spending days on trying to figure out sneaky ways to pay a little less.

That’s expensive.

Because it’s a low ROI activity.

Growing is a high ROI activity. Saving never was, never will.

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