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Book: The Millionaire Master Plan by Roger James Hamilton

I’ve had this book recommended to me several times. It’s supposed to provide financial insights no matter where you are in life at the moment.

However, I have mixed feelings about it.

The whole book revolves around the idea of a ‘wealth lighthouse’ and categorizes people into one of four ‘Geniuses’. These represent a person’s unique gifts, skills, and talents that can be leveraged to generate wealth.

The idea of the four geniuses isn’t the author’s original creation. He writes that you can find information about them in ancient Chinese and Indian thought, much like the wealth lighthouse concept.

The wealth lighthouse is essentially a metaphor for your position on the wealth spectrum. You’re expected to take specific actions based on your ‘genius’ to ascend this lighthouse, primarily by using the unique skills of your genius and connecting them with the unique skills of other geniuses.

Each chapter in the book explains how each genius can transition from one spectrum of the wealth lighthouse to the next.

That’s essentially it. It offers some ideas on how to propel you to the next level of the spectrum, but I suspect that most people instinctively know these steps anyway and don’t need this book for that.

I appreciated the idea of the geniuses. However, I think people are too diverse to be pigeonholed into categories. I also believe that you can achieve anything you want and can acquire the skills of another genius if you work diligently at it. If you cling too tightly to the idea that you’re a certain genius, you’re potentially limiting yourself too much.

The uppermost levels of the prism will remain out of reach for most people. They’re designed for those with a significant amount of control, like top politicians or people running very large companies (or multiple ones), such as Bill Gates. Even though these levels will never be achieved by most people, mainly because they don’t want to dedicate (or waste) their entire lives to it, they constitute a large portion of the book, which feels like wasted space.

One thing that struck me as suspicious was the multiple references in the book to additional material on the Internet. Most of these refer to the author’s company, but there’s also mention of a ‘passion test’ you could take.

You have to register with your email for both, and once you do, your inbox starts to fill up. I haven’t looked into it in detail, but it appears that he’s trying to sell some kind of business course or coaching, with the book merely serving as a precursor to the upsell.

Even if the content has some value, I can’t really recommend the book due to the persistent hint of upselling.

You might also want to Google the author’s name and draw your own conclusions…

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