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A paved road right into depression

Many young people want to get into social media nowadays, trying to make a living out of it. People like Justin Welsh and Dan Koe were like the inital spark to this ‘movement’.

Justin and Dan are very thoughtful about the content they spit out. Many others don’t. I appreciate Justin’s and Dan’s content, but today I came across a tweet from Dan that illuminates the problem of this ‘movement’ perfectly.

Dan talks about ‘the problem’…

If you think you need a following decide if your life is worth (documenting), you are already on the wrong track.

That’s the real problem.

‘A life worth following and documenting’ is a nicely paved road right into depression.

I like the overall idea of Dan’s content, but some of his advises are just plain bullshit, almost dangerous, especially to mentally weak people.

‘A life worth following and documenting’ is a nicely paved road right into depression.

As much as I like Dan’s idea of a ‘personal brand’, this will not work for the average Joe.

If you have nothing else to provide to the market than your ‘story’, you are just a clown.

Read ‘The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck’ to dive deeper into your clown nature.

You going out of your Job selling a PDF how you did that is just not enough of a story. It just doesn’t provide enough value to the market.

Another Problem is, Dan’s business relies on social media.

As soon as he stops posting, his sales will go down.

So he has to constantly spit out content. No matter what.

He has to repeat the same platitude over and over again.

It’s like incest. Nothing good will come from it after a few ‘generations’.

So, take care of your mental health my friends.

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