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Change your life

In today’s newsletter @thedankoe wrote:

“In my opinion, starting a business is the first thing you should do when it comes to changing your life.”

I disagree

Start with your body first

Train hard every day

Cardio and muscle building

You can always find a muscle that’s not sore

Not some half-arsed training. Train like you want to see how much muscle is actually possible.

It must hurt

That’s important

Half-arsed training will get you nowhere. Not growing muscle is a clear sign for half-arsed trained.

This will teach you discipline, creates confidence, boosts your energy and sets your health for whatever might come

While your business might fail it’s impossible to fail with training

You’ll come out as a (strong) winner, no matter what

It’s also easy to do

No lessons or course is needed. No equipment, nothing

Even the dumbest fuck can train his body

This is the most important thing you can do

Have as many wrecked businesses as you want, but you don’t want a wrecked body

Your business can wait until later, your body can’t

I know so many in business who became fat over the years, who developed unhealthy lifestyles because of lack of discipline, who have the stress of their business ingrained to their faces

This is already haunting them and will put them to grave way too early

Don’t join them

When I see some broke but fit motherfucker and beside him the wrecked entrepreneur, I would pick the broke but fit one every time

If you want to change your life and have no idea where to start, start with training your body. The rest will follow.

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