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Be the Light

I always experienced programmers, and people in the IT industry in general, as quite logically thinking people.

Seeing one of those speak always led to calm and well thought expressions, backed up by studies and evidence, or no expression at all, if the person didn’t know enough about a topic.

But today I see more and more in the IT industry having their blood boiling over topics that have nothing to do with the IT industry and they know nothing about.

White privileged men, sitting in their comfortable air conditioned homes, nitpicking about if it should be called climate ‘change’ or ‘crisis’, rallying against minorities on social media while the less fortunate are suffering.

People who should be idols, behaving like idiots

Imagine you were born in one of the wealthiest countries in the world, and while living in another wealthy country you became pretty wealthy yourself too.

That was pure luck

Beginning from the place you were born to the health that was given to you to finally accomplishing all those things

Pure luck

Your wealth freed you all the time in the world

But instead of using that time to fill your mind with wisdom from ancient books, you decided to fill it with hate from clickbait media

Instead of sharing your luck with the world, using your reach to spread the knowledge you have, to help elevate others, you chose to use it to spread the hate from clickbait media even further

Instead of using your voice to speak for those without a voice, instead of using your position to help the less fortunate, you’re punching down on those below you

That’s a low as you can get as a human being

The world doesn’t need more narcissistic and selfish people, trying to protect their riches

It needs more light

And you can be the light

Where there’s no knowledge and no wisdom, there’s darkness

By starting to share what you have, you start illuminating this darkness

Help elevating others, help bringing more light into their lives

Begin making your light shine until there’s no darkness left

Everything else is pointless and a sacrilege against the gift you received

If there’s someone in need of help – help

If you know something others don’t – educate

If you have something others don’t – share

In all other cases, just stay quiet and work on improving yourself so you one day have something to give

The Dalai Lama put it perfectly:

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.

Dalai Lama

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